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Membership Benefits

Free access to all CTCTE events such as webinars, workshops, and author talks

 Past events: 

Author talks:

Jerry Craft

Matt Mendes

Chris Crutcher

 Laurie Halse Anderson


Redefining Writing with Shawna Coppola

Letting Go of Literary Whiteness with Dr. Sophia Sarigianides

Book club for Cultivating Genius by Dr. Gholdy Muhammad

Membership pricing to a top-notch conference

 Past conferences featured:

Kate and Maggie Roberts

Dr. Kim Parker

Sophia Tatiana Sarigianides

Gholdy Muhhamad

Dr. Yolanda Sealey -Ruiz

Lorena German

Tricia Ebarvia

Ibi Zoboi

Cindy Rodriguez

Carol Jago

Chris Lehman

Carla Espana

Leadership opportunities

When you're ready to have a larger voice to shape this work, we have a place at the table for you through committee work and board positions.

Community of practice

A community of colleagues as passionate as you. whether at a workshop, the conference or board level, we care deeply about our work the the students we teach. 

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